
2024-06-18 02:14

1. 论文摘要如何翻译



2. 摘要翻译 , 论文翻译

China's auto industry maintained a generally good development momentum, but as the world economic environment changes, the green economy has been all over the world, to how green the automotive industry, then the green economy will bring about what kind of car industry The effect will be a more focused thought. Former scholars study issues related to carrying out a thorough enough, so in this article, analysis will focus on green economic impact on the automotive industry on this issue. 
This paper will analyze the traditional automotive industry, automobile production and sales data, independent innovation and independent brands, and new energy vehicles impact on the automotive industry analysis, reached the following conclusions, the green line in advocating economic era, China must develop Shige their green car industries that Yaozai the traditional automobile industry Based on these, to encourage self-development ability, Qi Ye fiscal policy autonomy Pinpai provide a wider market through national policies, development of new energy Qiche of Yanfa and marketing . Hope that through this study, can bring about new developments in the automotive industry a supplementary reference. 

Key words: green economy, new energy vehicles, automotive industry, the green industry

3. 论文 内容摘要翻译

Corporate bond market is the important part of capital market, it is to improve the corporate finance, the efficient allocation of resources, improve the financial system and guard against financial risks and promoting economic development has a very important role. International mature capital markets, corporate bond occupies very important position, the financing enterprise bond financing order before the stock financing, financing scale is usually 3 to 10 times that of the stock market financing. The capital market in China since the 1980 s to get attention and rapid development. Stock market and bond market scale imbalance, Treasury bonds and corporate bonds in the bond market development imbalance, and the backward development of enterprise bond in long plagued the development of our enterprise bond market. In this article, through looking back the history of the development of enterprise bond market in China and the status quo, in draw lessons from the us-japan enterprise bond market based on experience, combined with our country market defects, can solve the main problems of enterprise bond market, improve the corporate bond market system are proposed.
韩语:기업 채권 시장 은 자본 시장 에서 중요 한 를 개선 에 대한 기업 들 의 자금 조달, 효율적 으로 배치 자원, 건 전한 금융 시스템, 금융 리스 크 에 대비, 경제발전 등 모두 10 명 이 중요 한 역할 을 했 다.국제 자본 시장 에서 성숙 을 회사채 점거 매우 중요 한 지위 를 기업 들 의 자금 조달 때 기업 채권 융자 순서 에 주식 융자 에 앞서 융자 규모 는 보통 주식시장 융자 3-10 배 에 이 른 다.그러나 우리나라 의 자본 시장 은 1980 년대 부터 에야 중시 하 고 빠 른 속 도로 발전 할 것 이다.주식 과 채권 시장 규모 시장 규모 비례 불균형 해소, 채권 시장 에서의 국채 와 기업 채권 발전 불균형 과 기업 채권 발전 심 각 한 침체 등 문 제의 존재 오랫동안 괴 롭 기업 채권 시 장의 발전 했 다.본문 을 통 해 우리 기업 回眸 채권 시장 발 전의 역사 와 현실 을 재발견 하 려 는 미 일 기업 채권 시 장의 경험 을 바탕 으로 결합 우리 시장 허점 이 워 크 아웃 (기업 채권 시장 존재 의 주요 문제, 보완 기업 채권 시장 시스템 에 대해 조언 할 것 이다
法语:Le marché obligataire est le marché des capitaux dans des éléments importants, à améliorer le financement des pme, rationnellement les ressources, le système financier solide, prévenir les risques financiers et de promouvoir le développement économique, etc., jouent un rôle très important. La maturité des marchés de capitaux internationaux, occupent les obligations des entreprises est le financement obligataire des entreprises à accorder un financement aux entreprises à grande échelle le financement de financement par actions, généralement avant de valeurs boursières de 3 à 10 fois plus élevé. Les marchés de capitaux de notre pays depuis les années 80 ne prend effet et l’accent a été mis sur la voie du développement. La taille des marchés boursiers et la taille des marchés obligataires, les déséquilibres sur le marché obligataire d’obligations d’entreprises du trésor et du déséquilibre de développement sur le développement, tels que le retard considérable d’obligations d’entreprises l’existence du problème assaille depuis longtemps le développement des marchés d’obligations d’entreprises. Le HuiMou entreprises par mon pays le développement du marché des obligations, l’état actuel et passé des marchés obligataires de s’inspirer des entreprises entre les etats-unis et le Japon à partir de cette expérience, la présence sur le marché de notre pays, en élaborant des marchés obligataires se pencher sur les principaux problèmes qui existent sur le marché obligataire, l’amélioration du système des recommandations.

论文 内容摘要翻译

4. 论文摘要怎么翻译

abstract :
In the art of dance, dancers' body and soul are sublimated and fused.  The artistic imagination acts as the bond between dancers and their roles in dance, all the way running through their performance from beginning to the end. Dancers' ability of artistic imagination has a direct influence on their art performance. The article,focusing on imagination, mainly analyzes the importance of imaginary space and the use of structuring imaginary space in performing dance from three perspective (choreographist, dancer and audience) in the act of dancing performance. Mean while, in this article,some classical choreographic works are taken as examples, together with some of my own experience,  to explain the importance of imaginary space in performing dance.

key words :
imaginary space, the dancing performance, emotion

5. 论文摘要的翻译

The relationship between accounting regulation and tax law issues is a complex issue, market-oriented economic development in the course of the difference between the two will gradually have an adverse impact on economic development, how to better deal with the differences between the two has become China's economy reform process of the outstanding issues.。Differences in accounting standards and tax laws, and in the accounting and property tax measures taken by the different accounting and tax law, "the authenticity of the principle of" different, accounting "sound principle" and tax "payments to determine" the difference in accounting "importance of the principles "and tax" legal principle "and the accounting and tax 。differences on the" substance over form "understanding and implementation differen。Differences between accounting and tax accounting exist mainly due to the legislative goals and purposes of various tax, corporate accounting must adhere to the "accrual" basis, the enterprise must consider the International Accounting Standards, and economic globalization. Tax laws should be based on the provisions of this tax adjustmentces.


6. 论文摘要翻译

Chinese traditional architecture for Oriental most significant independent system, a very long history, but is not that complicated. Hui and Tibetan, dunhuang studies three important for China's regional culture. Settlement is the most extensive, badge of the most visible, most can experience showed regional cultural norms, huizhou, behavior standard and mode value, become cultural traits in the reappearance of the retained people's psychology, customs, habits and values. And the architectural culture, badge settlements, building the style through the past dynasties in huizhou merchants spread two river basin. The yangtze-huaihe Deeply affected nearly half a population of China architectural culture and architectural style, such as "paradise in heaven, suzhou and hangzhou below of suzhou, hangzhou. Their city, construction and landscape architecture is playing on settlement building cultural cachet badge. 

Badge of architecture development settlements had by the north "county of war," woe to avoid, through jin, tang, song three large-scale migration, and gradually formed a badge of basic form settlements. During the qing dynasty reason hui merchants prosperity "alone into the highest mature point". 

This paper firstly from planning, landscape, building three professional Angle discussed settlements theory, strengthen badge badge of settlement theory in every major readability; Then the practice of our country the construction process and residential use theory are analyzed and summarized, the community construction for future studies provide practical reference; Finally from planning, landscape, building three professional view of contemporary community about badge settlement construction of settlements Revelations, will badge theory and community construction in combination with practice, for the contemporary community construction research to provide constructive Suggestions

7. 翻译 论文 摘要


This article describes a programmable filter based on AT89C51 microcontroller and MAX262 chip. MAX262 is a dual second-order switched capacitor active filter, of which transfer function can be precisely controlled via SPI bus and which can be smartly controlled via independent programming by setting center-frequency and quality factor. AD603 is a low-noise programmable and integrated operational amplifier, with amplification gain regulated by controlling VG.  Signals generated on ALE pin of the microcontroller can be provided to MAX262 for clock use. 
  The system is composed of amplifiers, filters, frequency divider, and control modules, using AD603 and MAX262 combined to realize gain setting and meet the high- and low-filter parameters required. 
Keywords: programmable filtering; gain amplification; frequency division; display

翻译 论文 摘要

8. 论文摘要翻译

Under the backgroud of the economic crisis in 2008 , China began a large-scale high-speed railway construction, China will build by 2020 covering most of the country's high-speed railway network. This article discusses the status of high-speed railway in China and planning, analysis of the high-speed railway construction on China's industrial structure, regional economy, and through the use of normative and empirical analysis, contribute to the macro level to measure high-speed railway in China The positive effects of the economic. 
key word:High-speed railway, economic effects, analysis